Add Files to a Plan

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If you need your team to access files for your services, you can attach them to the plan. Choose the frequency of use to determine where to attach the file.

One Time Use

Some files only apply to one service, such as announcements or stage layouts. Attach those types of files to the plan.

  • Add files that pertain to just one service to the plan.

  • Add files that pertain to just one part of the service.


Files added to the plan will still take up space in your file storage, even after the plan has passed. Once the plan date has passed, you can delete the files from the plan to save space in your account.

Link to Song and Media Files

When you add songs or media to your plan, you can link the item to a song or media from the libraries, which makes any files associated with that song or media available to the scheduled people.

To make song or media files available in a plan, add a song or media item to the order.


You can also add a song or media file to an existing item from the corresponding tab in the item.


If you want to add a media file that isn't part of the order, set its length to 0, make it a pre-service item, and drag it to the top or bottom of the order.

Unlink Songs and Media

If you use a song or media file multiple times in your order but don't need the files linked multiple times, you can unlink them from an item.

Select an item to edit it. Select the red minus sign in the linked song section to unlink a song.

remove song_arrow.png

Select the red minus sign in the Media tab to unlink a media item.

remove media_arrow.png


When you remove a file from an item, you are not deleting the file from the database; you are just unlinking it from the attached item. For instructions on deleting files from songs or media items, see Archived Media or Song Attachments.

Regular Use

Some files, such as a startup and shutdown procedure, are used every time a plan is created. Those files need to be added to the Service Type.

Delete Files

When you delete a file from a plan or service type, it will no longer be available in Services.

Hover over the attachment file and select the pencil icon.

service type files_arrow.png

file on a plan

item_files_pencil arrow.png

file on an item

Select Delete from the modal to remove the file completely.

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