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Plan Title and Series Information

Each plan has a place to add a plan title and series name if your church uses those. These items are shown on your main Plans page as well as in each individual plan.


Add a Plan Title

To add a title to a plan, click the Actions dropdown in the upper right to expose this field. You can then add your title in the Plan Title field. Click out of the field to save.


Add a Series

To add a series to a plan, click on the Action dropdown in the upper left, and select Add Series.


Choose an existing series to add the plan to, or type in a new series name, and click Create a new series.


Hover over the No series art box and click Add.

modal_add series art_arrow.png


Use the Image Sizing Guide to upload the right size and file type.

After the image is uploaded, click Submit to add the art to the plan.

Edit Series Title or Art

To edit the series art or title, click the image within a plan to make your changes.

series art.png

Make changes to the series art or title, or remove the plan from the series.

  1. Hover over the image to replace or remove it.

  2. Update the series title. You'll have the option to change the title for the whole series or create a new series.

  3. Remove this plan from the series.

Click Submit to save your changes.

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