The reports on the Songs page combine the data across many different Service Types. You will need at least one of these reports for your licensing agency unless you use a company that auto-reports, like RehearsalPack or Song Select.
Click the report icon from the Songs page, and then select the report you want to generate.
To generate the report:
Enter the date range for the report.
Choose the Service Types you want to include for the Song Usage, Song Schedule, or CCLI Copy Activity reports.
Select Generate Report.
Use the Print function in your browser to print the report or the CSV download button to download it as a CSV file.
You can open the sections below for more information about each report.
View the songs scheduled over a selected timeframe. This link takes you to the Service Type Report for Songs, where you can specify a date range and sort it in the way that works best for your needs.
The numbers in the Rehearsal Report don't change how much you pay for licensing; they only help CCLI determine how to distribute funds to the license holders. Use this report if requested by CCLI. You'll be able to select a date range for this report.
Each song arrangement header has numbers in bold that you'll usually report to CCLI. The bold numbers are the total number of downloads for all files in that arrangement and the highest number of potential listeners for any file in that arrangement.
Downloads: The number of downloads is per file and includes every time an audio file is downloaded, even if the file is downloaded again. Each download counts.
Potential Listeners (Streams): This is the number of unique people who had access to the song from any plans, whether they listened or not. In addition, if the file was originally uploaded during your reporting dates, the number will increase by the number of users who have access to the song page during your report dates, usually users with Viewer or higher permissions in your account. This second number is not included if a song wasn't uploaded during your date range.
If you are not using auto-report, you can use the CCLI Copy Report to assist you in adding your data to the CCLI Report web application. The CCLI Copy Report shows the total plans that the song is used in and the totals for the reporting categories for each song.
You can select the Services Types and the date range this report covers.
Where does this information come from? Each file allows you to track this usage:
Print - Use for reproducing the lyrics, chord sheets, lead sheets, or vocal sheets for the congregation or if you have made a custom musical arrangement.
Digital - Use when you've projected a song's lyrics.
Record - Use if you've recorded (audio or video) a song's live performance.
Translation - Use when you've translated the song into a different language (where no authorized translation exists).