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Blocking out dates

Blockouts let your team leader know that you're unavailable to serve for a time frame you set. When they try to schedule you for a date, they'll see a warning informing them you're unavailable.

This article has instructions on blocking out dates in Services. You can also use My Schedule in Church Center to set blockouts for yourself.

Add blockout dates

Select Add blockouts or Block Out Dates on your My Schedule page.


If you have access to your household members in Services, you can also set blockouts for other household members.

add blockouts_arrow.png

You can also do this from your profile page.

add blockout dates_arrow.png


If you add blockouts from your profile, you won't be able to set blockouts for your household.

Select a date or drag multiple dates on the calendar and start typing the reason for your blockout.

Add additional blockouts by selecting a date or dragging multiple dates to set the start and end dates.

modal_blockout dates_numbered.png

Dates in dark red are dates you're currently editing; dates in medium red are dates you've just added but haven't saved yet. Dates in light red were added previously and are already saved.

  1. If you need to add blockout dates for someone in your household, you can click on their picture. Any blockout date added will apply to the people whose pictures are showing.

  2. Some people have a profile in multiple accounts and can choose whether this blockout date applies to one or all of their linked accounts.

  3. Choose your start and end dates. End dates are only necessary if the blockout is over consecutive dates.To specify times, deselect the All Day switch and set the times.

  4. If your date repeats, set the repeat options. If you choose months, you can also specify which day pattern (e.g., the last Tuesday, the first Wednesday) or an exact day (the 27th).

    If the blockout is repeating, put your end date here. 

  5. Include your reason for the blockout so your team leader can see it.

  6. If you create a date in error, select the trash can icon on that date during or after editing to delete it.

The Save button reaffirms how many new blockout dates you'll be adding.


Blockouts will block out that time frame for every team in Services. So, if you want to be available for one team but not another, you can set that time frame as a preference in your profile.

Edit or delete blockouts

The calendar on your My Schedule page shows your blockout days, marked with a small red circle. Select a blockout date in the list to edit it.

sidebar schedule_arrow.png


You can also edit blockouts from your profile.

Simple blockouts

Once you click on a blockout, you can change any options or select Delete.

modal_edit blockout date.jpg


You cannot add repeat options to an existing simple blockout. Instead, delete it and create a new repeating blockout.

Edit or delete repeating blockouts

When editing a repeating blockout, you cannot change the repeating options.

You can change the dates, times, or the reason depending on the option you choose:

  1. ONE: Only edit the date you clicked on the calendar. All other recurrences will remain unchanged.

  2. FUTURE: Only the date you clicked and any repeating dates in the future will be changed. Dates before the selected date remain unchanged. Your blockout gets split into two blockouts to accomplish this.

  3. ALL: All dates, even previous ones related to this pattern, will be changed. If you change the date, all other dates will shifted by the same amount.

If you want to delete a date, choose which recurrence option you'd like to delete, then select the Delete button, which changes based on the chosen recurrence option.

If you have scheduled the blockout for your household, you can also edit the blockout for just yourself or other household members.

modal_blockout edit_recurrence.gif

Schedulers can learn more about using blockout dates in scheduling from this article: Use Blockout Dates for Predictable Scheduling.

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