Use the My Schedule page to view your schedule, respond to any pending positions, and change your responses. If you have a household set up, you can also view their schedule.
If you don't see your household, use the Email My Leader button to ask your team leader to set it up.
You can also respond to scheduling requests from My Services in Church Center.
From My Schedule, you will only be able to open plans that you are scheduled for, even if you have the schedules of household members showing on your My Schedule page. Unless you have viewer permission for the service type, plans for your household members will be grayed out.
You can accept or decline scheduling requests, view the plans you are a part of, and block out dates you know you will be unavailable from your My Schedule page.
View a calendar overview with color-coded symbols under the dates.
The scrolling list of assignments adjusts to match the calendar view.
Set blockout dates to let your team leaders know when you aren't available, view any messages sent or received in Services, or email a team leader.
Sign up for a position or respond to pending scheduling requests.
For pending or confirmed requests, tap the date for the plan you want to view.
If a team leader has added you to their schedule but hasn't sent you an email, it will not show up in My Schedule until the email is sent.
If you are part of a household and have permission to view household member schedules, choose the household member schedules you want to view. You can respond to scheduling requests, signup sheets, and set blockouts for yourself and your household.
On your schedule, you can see the next 100 signups. Select Sign Up to view more information, like the times and teams.
On the signup page, view the available dates and positions. You can also view any scheduling conflicts. Tap the box next to the position(s) you want to sign you or your household member up for, and then tap Sign Up to accept it.
View the details of conflicts you have with this position.
See the times associated with this position.
See the related teams assigned to this plan.
Check the box next to the position(s) and then select Sign up to be added to the plan as Confirmed.
Signup sheets are only used for signing up. People with higher permissions won't see anything different than others; they'll only see buttons to sign up for their assigned open positions.
Select the date on a card to go to the plan, or hover over the card to accept or decline specific positions.
In Pending cards, you can also accept positions.
View the plan date, service type, and position requested.
Select the clock icon to see the times assigned to the positions.
Hover over a position to see the option to decline or accept that position.
Select Decline or Accept to accept all positions for this plan.
After you've accepted a position, the plan drops to a Confirmed section under the Pending invitations.
If you've declined a position and left a reason, the plan no longer displays in the dashboard. You must contact your team leader if you change your mind and want to accept later.
To accept all scheduling requests, including all pending requests for household members showing on your schedule, select Accept All.
You can either accept or decline all positions for a plan or split your response between the different positions.
If you have accepted a position and decide later that you want to decline it, you can decline it from the Confirmed section of your My Schedule page.
If you have declined a position and want to accept it now, you must contact your team leader to ask them to reassign you.
You cannot change a decline for a household member.