If you have songs or arrangements that you've used in the past but no longer plan to use, editors and administrators can archive them.
Do not delete songs or arrangements unless you are sure you will not want to use them again.
Before archiving songs, you can create a filtered list with the songs you want to archive, then archive them in bulk.
For example, you can create a filtered list of Christmas songs, and in the Fall, when you're beginning to plan your Christmas services, you can find and restore those songs by filtering the Songs page for archived songs with the tag.
You can archive or restore a single song or several songs simultaneously.
Only administrators and editors can archive or restore songs.
Select the song or arrangement name from the main Songs page.
To restore a single song or arrangement, first filter the list for the archived song or arrangement and then select it from the list.
Restore the song or arrangement from the song's page.
Select Restore from the top right of a song to restore the song.
Select Restore from the top right of an arrangement to restore the arrangement.
To archive more than one song or arrangement at a time, select the pencil icon at the top of the main Songs list.
To restore more than one song or arrangement at a time, filter the song list to show archived songs and then select the pencil icon at the top of the list.
Select either Bulk Edit Songs or Bulk Edit Arrangements.
Choose the songs or arrangements you want to archive or restore, and then select the green pencil icon.
Select Archive from the Archive dropdown or Restore from the Restore dropdown, and then Update.
Archived songs and arrangements are hidden from:
Scheduling songs: You will not see archived songs or arrangements when adding songs to a plan.
Song filters: You will not see archived songs and arrangements when filtering songs.
The Song page: The Song page will not list archived songs or arrangements unless you specifically filter for them.
Song Pages: When looking at an individual song, archived arrangements will be hidden unless you choose to show them.
Archived songs and arrangements are shown:
When viewing plans where that song or arrangement was already added to the Order of Service.
After specifically filtering to Show Archived Songs or Show Archived Arrangements.