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Songs overview

This article is an overview of using songs, arrangements, and keys with links to other articles for more information.

Check out this video for an overview of how to add song to your library, add files to the song, and make the song available in a plan.

Add and edit songs, arrangements, and keys

Songs can have multiple arrangements, and each arrangement can have many keys. When you add a song to a plan in one key, only the files from that key, arrangement and song will be available from the plan so that your users always have the correct files.

  • Adding a New Song - You can import song information from Multitracks, CCLI, or create your own song.

  • Adding Arrangements to a Song - Add different arrangements for each version of the song you use. Title your arrangements by the original artist or album (Chris Tomlin - Arriving), by ministry (Student Arrangement), or any way that will help you differentiate between them (Condensed Version).

  • Adding Keys to Song Arrangements - Add multiple keys, and use Planning Center's transposing features. You can even title your Keys to help you know what you use each key for (Female Key, Original Key).

Organize and find your songs

Transpose chords and mp3s

  • Lyrics and Chords - Enter lyrics and chords or copy and paste them, and Planning Center will automatically make PDFs in any key you add to your arrangement.

  • Transposing MP3s - Upload mp3 files and have Planning Center transpose them to any key you add to your arrangement.

Attach files

  • Add Song Attachments - Upload files from your computer, link to files on the internet, or link to Apple Music, AmazonMP3, or Spotify. Files will be available to your users when you add them to your plans.

  • Streaming or Downloading MP3s - Choose to enable mp3 downloading or restrict it so that they can only be streamed online.

  • Attachment Types - Using this advanced feature, you can classify each file you attach so that different users see different files. For example, set it up so that only Band members can see chord charts, Vocalists can see lyrics, or different members of your orchestra only see the sheet music for their instrument.

External integrations

  • RehearsalPack - If you have a subscription to this product from Multitracks, you can import chord charts, lyrics, and audio from one source.

  • SongSelect - If you have a SongSelect by CCLI account, enable the integration to import chord charts and lyrics.

  • PraiseCharts - If you buy lead sheets, chord charts, audio files, or orchestrations that match many different arrangements of songs available at PraiseCharts, link your accounts.

  • RehearsalMix - To get audio files for rehearsing with each instrument turned up, link to your RehearsalMix account.

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